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The Sweet Taste of Freedom: A Picture Book about Harriet Tubman

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Title: An Apple for Harriet Tubman

Author: Glennette Tilley Turner

Illustrator: Susan Keeter

Purchase: Bookshop

We all learned that Harriet Tubman was the greatest conductor of the Underground Railroad. Did you know she was also a Union Army nurse, a scout for the Civil War, a military strategist or that she loved apples? This captivating book shares information about Harriet Tubman that children aren't commonly exposed to.

Publisher's Description

Like other enslaved African American children, young Harriet Tubman had to work hard. In her master's orchard, she spent long hours picking the juicy apples she was forbidden to eat. Harriet vowed to one day be free and to grow apple trees of her own. When she was grown, she made her escape to the North. Then, repeatedly risking her life, she returned to lead many other African Americans to freedom.

Interesting Facts

Harriet Tubman was an integral part of the success of the Combahee River Raid that took place near Beaufort, SC. Ms. Tubman served as navigator and military strategist in the Combahee River Raid which freed hundreds of enslaved Gullah Geechee people.

Today there is a Harriet Tubman Bridge that stretches across the Combahee River in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and soon there will be a monument in Beaufort, SC to commemorate Ms. Tubman's contributions to the area, the Civil War, and to the Reconstruction Era.


"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." ~Harriet Tubman

This is a recently discovered photo of Harriet Tubman. She is believed to be in her 40's in this photo. (Swann Auction Galleries)

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